I Dumped My Wife While She Was Pregnant Please Spell Caster Make Her Come Back to Me Again 2019


The spread of the pandemic COVID-19 in Italy from February 2020 and the subsequent health emergency led to several restrictive measures. Schools and universities take been closed at the end of February, and starting from March ninth, 2020, a quarantine measure became necessary leading to a full general closure of near all public businesses and work activities.

Children and families take been deprived of their educational, work, and sport activities, simply too from all their friendship and relational contacts. Suddenly parents had to manage their children at home from school 24 h a 24-hour interval and, at the same time, well-nigh of them had to beginning smart-working from home, nevertheless carrying out their children's school commitments. Many parents likewise had to manage difficulties and pain related to having ill or dead relatives, having had wages reductions, or in some cases, having lost their work. Information technology is piece of cake to sympathise how Italian families take been exposed to a very potent emotional and psychological stress.

This state of affairs had relevant repercussions on daily life of families, peculiarly of children that have been deprived of their socialization and play spaces. The parents suddenly became the only point of reference for their children since the other references and educational figures were no longer bachelor.

As aware by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020a,b), this state of affairs could take long-term negative consequences on psychological well-being and there is a need to invest in mental health services and other services. A recent review stressed how people all over the world can show many different psychological disorder symptoms related to the pandemic (Shahyad and Mohammadi, 2020). The WHO (2020a) highlighted that children were too showing signs of mental illness. In fact, both international and domestic studies showed that, during the lockdown, children exhibited several problems, such equally anxiety and emotional and behavioral disorders (Jiao et al., 2020; Spinelli et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2020).

The European Pediatric Association–Spousal relationship of National European Pediatric Societies and Associations (EPAUNEPSA; Jiao et al., 2020) has stressed the importance to accost children'southward psychological needs during the pandemic due to the negative repercussions on their psychological well-being, highlighting the relevant protective role of parents in decreasing their fear and stress. Enquiry on psychological consequences of traumatic events, such equally the terroristic attack of September xi, 2001, showed how children can besides experience long-term effects on psychological well-being, reporting mental disorders after 6 months (Hoven et al., 2005).

All these data highlight the importance of non underestimating the psychological risks that children and their families could face. In a report on May 13th, 2020, the United Nations also underlined how, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the emotional problems of children and adolescents were exacerbated by family stress, social isolation, interruption of schoolhouse and educational action, and uncertainty for the future which occurred in critical moments of their emotional development (United Nations, 2020). Understanding how to strengthen parents and families in this situation, with the aim to protect children, represents an important goal that researchers should have in this period because it is possible that other futurity pandemics volition touch on humanity (Cluver et al., 2020).

The express research conducted to date on the effects of the COVID-xix pandemic on well-beingness of parents and their children both in Mainland china and in Italy showed that COVID-19 related risks, such equally (a) living in a crimson zone (i.e., a loftier-risk zone like Lombardia and Veneto for Italian republic), (b) existence a parent positive to SARS-COV-ii, (c) having relatives or friends positive to the SARS-COV-ii or who died from the SARS-COV-2, and (d) living in a high-risk environment (i.eastward., not having an open infinite in the habitation during the lockdown, losing a job during the pandemic, having a depression income, non having internet connection), did non have stiff negative direct effects on families' well-being (Spinelli et al., 2020) or on children's symptoms and problematic behaviors per se (Jiao et al., 2020). Actually, the research conducted past Spinelli et al. (2020) in Italia showed that it was the parenting stress related to the health emergency, the pandemic, and the lockdown that increased children's psychological, emotional, and behavioral bug. In line with these findings, Wang et al. (2020) suggested the need to deeply understand the family functioning and processes that can promote children's psychological well-beingness during the pandemic.

For this reason, this written report focused on identifying which parental psychological variables tin can mediate the human relationship between parents' psychological distress during the pandemic and the lockdown and their children's emotional regulation, in club to understand which possible intervention should exist implemented to ameliorate families' well-existence. Ii recent meta-analyses highlighted the relevant role that the parent–kid relationship can take in promoting children'southward effortful self-regulation (Pallini et al., 2018) and in decreasing children'south behavioral problems, specifically attention problems (Pallini et al., 2019).

The stress of quarantine can affect psychological well-existence of adults, every bit confirmed in a contempo review (Brooks et al., 2020), and might too accept long-term effects (Liu et al., 2012). A report conducted on parents and children quarantined in 2009 during the H1N1 influenza showed that the high-stressful isolation increased parents' psychological distress that in turn had an impact on their children's well-existence (Sprang and Silman, 2013). Children who have parents with loftier levels of stress showed more externalizing problems and developed less emotion regulation (Deater-Deckard and Panneton, 2017).

As reported by Leary and Hoyle (2009), psychological distress upsets the ability to self-regulate (Tillema et al., 2001; Scott and Cervone, 2002) simply regulatory emotional self-efficacy is crucial in the cocky-regulation of relationships and behavior (Bandura et al., 2003). According to Bandura (1997), psychological distress, such as lack of social support or parental depression, can touch on parenting cocky-efficacy, which is the belief that parents accept to be able to manage their parental tasks successfully and that it is, in plow, related to children's adjustment (Jones and Prinz, 2005).

Some previous studies showed that the relationship betwixt parental mental health and children'due south emotional and behavioral well-being is mediated past positive parenting strategies (Giallo et al., 2014). Co-ordinate to Eisenèberg et al. (2005), parents' positivity and warmth can promote effortful control in children, reducing their externalizing behaviors. Likewise, self-efficacy, specifically parenting self-efficacy, tin can function as a mediator between environmental variables or psychological conditions related to an external state of affairs (east.thousand., the stress related to the pandemic) and parenting competence. In fact, environmental aspects might also indirectly affect parents' belief to be competent in managing parental tasks, and this could lead to less psychological well-being of the children (Jones and Prinz, 2005). For this reason, it is important that parents take a skilful parenting cocky-efficacy in club to display positive parenting strategies that can foster adaptive functioning and emotion regulation in children (Stack et al., 2010).

Aims and Hypotheses

Within the theoretical framework of Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997), the nowadays study aimed to investigate a path model in which parenting cocky-efficacy and parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy (related to COVID-19 lockdown) mediated the human relationship betwixt parents' psychological distress and both children's emotional regulation, and children's lability/negativity, in line with a previous study that stressed how parenting cocky-efficacy can mediate the relationship betwixt parents' psychological distress and children's adjustment (Giallo et al., 2014). Additionally, in our model parents' psychological distress was also predicted by beingness exposed to several risks related to COVID-19 quarantine and the pandemic.

Moreover, the second aim was to appraise whether children's biological sex, children's historic period, and geographical area (Northern Italy, which is the most at-run a risk surface area for the spread of the pandemic and for the take a chance of contamination, vs. the remainder of Italian republic) moderated the structural paths of the model. In that location is evidence that children'south biological sex can affect parents' way to answer to children (Sanders and Morawska, 2018) and that parenting self-efficacy tin can change over time (Deater-Deckard and Panneton, 2017), growing during early babyhood (Weaver et al., 2008), and decreasing when children become adolescents (Glatz and Buchanan, 2015). Conversely, we did not expect to find any differences regarding living (or non living) in a high at-take a chance zone for the COVID-19 (i.e., Northern Italy), every bit found by contempo Italian and Chinese studies (Jiao et al., 2020; Spinelli et al., 2020).

Materials and Methods


The present study was conducted in Italy, via an online survey, during April 2020 when there was a lockdown related to the health emergency due to the COVID-nineteen pandemic. Specifically, Italian parents with a kid aged between six and 13 years were recruited through a snowball sampling procedure to complete the online survey. At the fourth dimension of information collection, Italy had been in quarantine for more 1 month. A link to the survey was shared among parents using dissimilar social networks (eastward.g., Facebook, WhatsApp), likewise asking parents to share the link amongst their contacts. Overall, 417 parents have had access to the survey, and a total of 277 valid questionnaires were used in the present investigation, yielding a response rate of 66.iv%. Parents' age ranged from 30 to 58 years old (M age = 43.36, SD historic period = 4.76) and the recruited sample mostly consisted of mothers (n = 248; 89.5%). As abovementioned, children were aged between 6 and 13 years (M age = nine.66, SD age = 2.29) and were almost equally distributed for biological sex activity (48% were boys and 52% were girls). Parents' socioeconomic condition (SES) was predominantly medium-high (92.1%; n = 255). 14.1% (northward = 39) lived solitary at home with children during the quarantine. 62% (n = 171) of parents were from northern Italy, the Italian expanse most affected by the pandemic, and 37.9% (n = 105) were from Central and Southern Italy which were areas less affected by the pandemic (although they were as well put in lockdown). Regarding their work situation, 195 parents (70.4%) continued to work and earn every bit earlier the quarantine, while 82 parents (29.6%) lost their works or have had wage reductions or layoffs. 7.9% (n = 22) were health workers and v.8% (northward = 16) were health workers in a infirmary department that treated SARS-COV-2-positive patients. 91.7% of parents (n = 254) did not have any relative tested positive for the SARS-COV-ii, and 8.three% (n = 23) had at least i relative that tested positive for the SARS-COV-2. 96.8% (northward = 268) have not-hospitalized relatives due to SARS-COV-2, and 3.2% (due north = 9) accept at to the lowest degree one hospitalized relative. Finally, 32.5% of parents (n = 90) did not have any acquaintance or a loved one that tested positive to SARS-COV-2, and 67.5% (northward = 187) had at least one acquaintance or a loved ane that tested positive for SARS-COV-2. Each parent gave his/her consent past clicking "Yes, I accept to participate in the study" on the outset page of the survey. This study was approved by the Ethics Commission of Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, protocol number: 427, April sixteen, 2020.

Two power analyses were conducted to determine the recommended minimum sample size: (i) for detecting a significant bivariate effect and (2) for conducting a structural equation model (SEM; Cohen, 1988). A moderate effect size of 0.25 was anticipated with a power level set at 0.80 and a meaning alpha level set at 0.05. The minimum sample size necessary to detect a significant bivariate issue was Northward = 124. Regarding the SEM, with five latent and xv observed variables, using the software developed by Soper (2020), results indicated that the required minimum sample size to run a SEM and find a meaning effect was Northward = 229.


COVID Adventure Index

Using a similar process every bit used by Spinelli et al. (2020), we created an ad hoc index that assessed risks related to the COVID-nineteen pandemic. Specifically, a composite index was created given one indicate for each of the post-obit risk factors, if present: (a) relatives that tested positive for SARS-COV-two, (b) friends or acquaintances that tested positive for SARS-COV-2, (c) hospitalized relatives due to SARS-COV-two, (d) living in northern Italy, which was the most at-risk surface area for the spread of the pandemic and for the adventure of contagion, (e) being a wellness worker, and (f) being a health worker in hospital departments that treated SARS-COV-2 positive patients.

Family unit Risk Index

Over again, using a like process as used by Spinelli et al. (2020), we created an ad hoc index that assessed risks related to family situation during the quarantine and the pandemic. Specifically, a blended index was created given i point for each of the following risk factors if present: (a) a lower SES, (b) a worsened working situation during the quarantine, and (c) existence a single or divorced parent who had to manage her/his ain children at home alone during the quarantine. Both the family risk index and the COVID risk index are intended every bit summative rating scales that were created advert hoc for this research.

Parents' Psychological Distress

Parents' psychological distress during the lockdown was evaluated using the Perceived Stress Calibration (Cohen et al., 1983; Italian validation by Mondo et al., 2019). Parents were asked to recall about the concluding month. The scale is composed of ten items that parents rated on 5 indicate-Likert scales from ane (never) to five (very frequently). An instance item is "During final month how do you usually feel nervous and stressed?" The scale showed a good reliability and validity besides in the Italian validation (Mondo et al., 2019). In the present sample, the measure showed a practiced reliability, Cronbach's alpha of 0.84.

Parents' Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy

The Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale (Caprara et al., 2013b) is a 13-particular scale that evaluates the belief of parents to be able to manage with their negative emotions (i.e., anger, sadness, fear, and guilt) during the COVID-19 lockdown on a five point-Likert calibration from ane (Not able) to v (Able). The calibration was modified request parents to recollect about the quarantine catamenia related to COVID-19 health emergency, and the following particular was added to the calibration "How practise you feel able to manage the anxiety acquired by hearing the news about coronavirus that is given on TV or that you lot read on the internet?" The scale showed good validity and reliability (Caprara et al., 2013a,b). In the nowadays sample, the calibration showed a good reliability: Cronbach's blastoff of 0.87.

Parenting Self-Efficacy

Parents completed the Parenting Self-Agency Measures (Dumka et al., 1996; Baiocco et al., 2017) which is an 8-item calibration that evaluates the belief of parents to be able to manage with daily parental demands (i.e., feeling to be a good parent, working to face and solve difficulties with their children) during the month of lockdown on vii-indicate Likert scales from i (seldom) to 7 (ever). The scale was modified, request parents to think about the quarantine menses related to COVID-19 wellness emergency, and three items were added to the original scale. These iii items asked parents how they feel able to reassure their children about the health emergency, to organize their children's daily life during the quarantine, and to explicate to their children what is happening. The scale showed good validity and reliability (Baiocco et al., 2017, 2018). In the present sample, the scale showed a good reliability: Cronbach'due south alpha of 0.87.

Children'southward Emotion Regulation

Parents were asked to think virtually their child during the quarantine and to complete a short version of the Emotion Regulation Checklist (Molina et al., 2014). This is a 10-item calibration that evaluates two sub-dimensions, namely, emotional regulation (i.e., positive emotions, being able to give vocalization to his/her negative emotions) and lability/negativity (i.e., anger, disruptive behaviors, excessive exuberance) of children during the COVID-19 lockdown on a 4 point-Likert scale from ane (Nearly never) to iv (Near always). The calibration showed skilful validity and reliability (Molina et al., 2014; Di Maggio et al., 2016). In the present sample, both emotional regulation and lability/negativity scores showed acceptable reliability, respectively Cronbach's alpha of 0.65 and 0.78.

Data Analysis

Firstly, bivariate correlations among variables were calculated along with descriptives. Afterward, a mediation analysis with latent variables was performed via SEM, employing a parceling strategy (e.thou., Bagozzi and Heatherton, 1994; Little et al., 2002). A packet represents an aggregate of different items measuring a specific construct (Little et al., 2002; Coffman and MacCallum, 2005). Two or three parcels were synthetic for each of the latent variables using the "item-to-construct" balance arroyo (Piddling et al., 2002), which means building each parcel by examining the particular–construct relationships equally represented by factor loadings in the particular-level factor analyses (for a detailed description of this procedure, see Little et al., 2002). In such a manner, parcels typically independent a balanced number of items and had comparable reliabilities. Therefore, our model comprised three latent variables with three parcels each and two latent variables with ii parcels each. Summative indexes (such as the CRI and FRI) were treated as manifest variables.

Model fit was evaluated with the following indices: (a) the Comparative Fit Alphabetize (CFI); (b) the Tucker–Lewis index (TLI); (c) the root hateful squared fault of approximation (RMSEA); (d) and the standardized root hateful square residual (SRMR). In general, for TLI and CFI, values between 0.90 and 0.95 are considered adequate (e.m., Bollen, 1989; Byrne, 1994; Marsh et al., 2004) and values above 0.95 are deemed to be very adept (Hu and Bentler, 1999). On the other mitt, RMSEA and SRMR values smaller than (or equal to) 0.08 indicate a good fit (e.k., Bollen, 1989; Browne and Cudeck, 1993; Hu and Bentler, 1999; Marsh et al., 2004).

In order to evaluate the statistical significance of indirect furnishings, which represented the "mediated" effects, the bootstrapping procedure was used employing 5000 samples with replacement from the full sample to construct bias-corrected 95 percent confidence intervals (CI) (Preacher and Hayes, 2008; Hayes, 2009). Mediation typically occurs if the indirect effect is meaning, that is, the zero value is not included in the CI (Preacher and Hayes, 2008; Hayes, 2009).

Finally, to examination possible moderation effects of children'south biological sexual activity and historic period, and living in a geographical area with loftier COVID-xix adventure, a multigroup approach within SEM was employed as suggested by Baron and Kenny (1986). In this procedure, the invariance of the structural parameters of the proposed model was tested separately for (a) boys and girls; (b) dissimilar levels of children's age; (c) geographical residential area, that is, living (vs. not living) in Northern Italy. A detailed clarification of the procedure will be given in the "Results" section (see besides Sauer and Dick, 1993; Cattelino et al., 2019). All analyses were run with statistical software SPSS 25 and MPLUS 8.3.


Correlations Among Variables

The family take a chance index was positively related with parents' psychological distress and positively with lability/negativity. Parents' psychological distress was negatively related with parenting self-efficacy, parents' regulatory emotion self-efficacy, and children's emotion regulation and was positively related with children'due south lability/negativity. Parenting self-efficacy was positively related with parents' regulatory emotion self-efficacy, and children's emotion regulation, and was negatively related with children'southward lability/negativity. Parents' regulatory emotion self-efficacy was positively related with children's emotion regulation and negatively related with children'south lability/negativity. Finally, children's emotion regulation was negatively related with children's lability/negativity. Correlations, means, and standard deviations are reported in Table ane.


Table 1. Correlations among variables.

Mediation Model

A SEM was employed to test the hypothesized arbitration model in which parenting self-efficacy and parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy (related to the COVID-xix lockdown) mediated the relationship betwixt parents' psychological distress and both children's emotional regulation and children'south lability/negativity. Moreover, parenting self-efficacy mediated the relationship between parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy and both children's emotional regulation and children's lability/negativity.

In the nowadays paper, the mediation analysis strategy recommended by James et al. (2006) was followed. In the showtime stride, the mediation model was tested (i.e., model without the direct effects, indicated with M med ). In the second step, a full model, including all the directly effects, was tested (indicated with M full ). The ii nested models were compared via the chi-square deviation test, contrasting M med with One thousand full (Δχ2, Satorra and Bentler, 2001). A non-pregnant Δχtwo would reveal that the full model does not significantly increase the fit and therefore the mediation model is to be preferred since it is more parsimonious.

The mediation model (Thousand med ) showed an overall good fit, chi-foursquare (83) = 140.40, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.96, SRMR = 0.04. The total model including directly effects (M full ) did non apparently improve the model fit, chi-square (79) = 134.52, p < 0.001, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.96, SRMR = 0.04. In fact, the two models were contrasted, and the chi-foursquare difference examination was non significant, Δχii (4) = 5.88, p = 0.20. Therefore, the mediation model (M med ) should be preferred due to being more parsimonious compared to the total model.

In Figure one, all measurement and structural parameters of the mediated model (M med ) are reported.


Figure 1. Multivariate mediation model with structural equation modeling. Standardized coefficients are reported. Fri, family risk index; Cri, COVID risk index; ppd, parents′ psychological distress; pser, parents′ regulatory emotional self-efficacy; pse, parenting cocky-efficacy; erc, emotional regulation of children; lnc, lability/negativity of children. All measurement parameters were statistically significant for p < 0.01. Fit Indexes Chi-square (83) = 140.40, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 05, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.96, SRMR = 0.04. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.

Parents' psychological distress (ppd) was significantly, although modestly, affected by both COVID and family risk indexes. In plough, parents' psychological distress significantly and negatively afflicted both parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy (pser) and parenting cocky-efficacy (pse). Parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy significantly and positively affected parenting cocky-efficacy. Finally, parenting self-efficacy positively and significantly influenced children's emotional regulation (er_c) and negatively children's lability/negativity (ln_c). More importantly, parenting cocky-efficacy mediated the effect of parents' psychological distress and parents' regulatory emotional self-efficacy on both children's emotional regulation and children's lability/negativity. With the exception of those involving the COVID and family risk indexes, all other indirect effects were statistically meaning, supporting the mediated model (see Table ii). In Table 2, a full decomposition of total and specific indirect of the mediated model (M med ) are reported. The COVID and family risk indexes displayed no significant furnishings on the other variables except for the aforementioned influence on parents' psychological distress.


Table 2. Decomposition of indirect effects of the mediated model.

Moreover, referring to the full model (M full ), nosotros besides decomposed total, direct and indirect effects (run across Tabular array 3) with the aim to report the ratio of indirect to the direct upshot and the proportion of mediated effect (MacKinnon et al., 1995).


Table iii. Decomposition of total, directly, and indirect effects in the full model.

In regard to the relationship betwixt ppd and er_c, the ratio of indirect to the direct effect was 1.06 (−0.eighteen/−0.17 = 1.06), while with respect to the human relationship between ppd and ln_c the ratio was 0.64 (0.09/0.14 = 0.64). In regard to the relationship between ppd and er_c, about the 51.42% of the effect was mediated (−0.18/−0.35 = 0.5142), while with respect to the relationship between ppd and ln_c about the 39.13% of the upshot was mediated (0.09/0.23 = 0.3913).

In regard to the relationship between pser and er_c, the ratio of indirect to the directly effect was −1.xi (0.20/−0.xviii = −1.11), while with respect to the relationship betwixt pser and ln_c the ratio was −3.5 (−0.07/0.02 = −iii.v). More problematic was to estimate, in the same manner, the amount of mediated event regarding the human relationship betwixt pser with both er_c and ln_c since in those cases the indirect and the directly furnishings have opposite signs (every bit can be seen in Table 3), and therefore, they tend to suppress each other, resulting in a reduced non-significant total effect (pser er_c:0.02 = −0.18 + 0.20; pser ln_c: −0.05 = −0.07 + 0.02). With respect to non-significant total effect, scholars have pointed out that mediation can occur also in the absence of a detectable full effect if the indirect outcome is pregnant (east.thou., MacKinnon, 2008; Hayes, 2009). This is apparently the case. In this perspective, although it cannot exist absolutely claimed that effects were totally mediated and despite the presence of null total furnishings, it is worth to note that indirect effects were significant and that mediation has occurred.

Overall, nosotros can conclude that the hypothesized mediation model (Yard med ), reported in Figure 1, is consequent with the information. Moreover, the mediation did not fit significantly worse than the full model (M full ) and therefore information technology was retained since information technology is more than parsimonious (James et al., 2006). Additionally, all indirect effects of the mediated model (M med ) were significant, indicating that arbitration has occurred (e.g., Preacher and Hayes, 2008; Hayes, 2009).

Multigroup Analysis

Within SEM, the test for a moderator consequence can be performed using a multigroup assay of the model in which the structural parameters are constrained equal beyond groups. Firstly, the structural parameters are freely estimated across groups to test for the baseline model. Secondly, the structural parameters are constrained to exist equal across groups to exam for the invariant model. In order to compare the fit of the ii models, the chi-foursquare deviation test was used (Satorra and Bentler, 2001). A not-significant chi-square indicates that the parameters cannot be ruled out to be equal, then the invariant model should be retained and no moderation occurs. Instead, if the chi-square deviation between the invariant and the baseline models is meaning, which would mean that the invariant model fits significantly worse. Therefore, parameters are not equal across the groups and there is a moderation effect. Results of chi-square difference tests of multigroup analyses with SEM are reported in Table 4.


Table 4. Multigroup analyses for children'due south biological sexual practice and age.

Regarding children's biological sex, the fit of the baseline model was chi-foursquare (134) = 185.88, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.07, whereas the fit of the invariant model was chi-square (139) = 187.98, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.97, SRMR = 0.08. The chi-square divergence exam was not pregnant showing that the invariant model could not be rejected (Table 4). This finding suggests that biological sex of the children was not a moderator variable.

In regard to children'due south age (6–10 y.o. vs. 11–13 y.o.), the fit of the baseline model was chi-square (134) = 169.55, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.04, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.98, SRMR = 0.06; conversely, the fit of the invariant model was chi-square (139) = 179.32, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.98, SRMR = 0.07. The chi-foursquare deviation test was not significant showing that the invariant model could not be rejected (Table 4). Therefore, children'due south age did not appear to moderate the mediational effects tested in our model.

Finally, turning to geographical area (Northern Italy vs. balance of Italy), the fit of the baseline model was chi-square (134) = 172.56, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.98, SRMR = 0.06. Instead, the fit of the invariant model was chi-foursquare (139) = 182.53, p < 0.01, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.98, SRMR = 0.09. The chi-square departure test was non significant, showing that the invariant model did not fit significantly worse and therefore could not be rejected (Table 4). This outcome suggested that living in a high at-risk area for COVID-xix, as information technology was Northern Italy at the time of data collection, did not significantly affect the structural parameter of our hypothesized model.


The health emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent restrictive measures of quarantine take upset our lifestyles and our daily life. In particular, families with children had to face up an unprecedented and completely new situation in which parents suddenly remained the only reference signal for their children. Results of the present study, indeed, showed that the COVID hazard alphabetize and the family gamble alphabetize partially contributed to the psychological distress of parents, although their impact was pocket-sized in terms of accounted variance. Specifically, parents with higher levels of psychological distress tendentially had a lower SES, had seen their working situation worsened during the quarantine, and were single or divorced parents who had to manage their children at home alone during the quarantine. Furthermore, regarding the COVID-xix risk index, parents with more than psychological distress more probable had relatives, friends, or acquaintances tested positive for the SARS-COV-ii, had hospitalized relatives considering of the SARS-COV-2, lived in northern Italy which was the most at-risk area for the spread of the pandemic and for the adventure of contamination, were health workers, and worked in hospital departments that treated SARS-COV-2-positive patients.

However, our SEM showed that parents' psychological distress impacted on the emotional regulation and lability/negativity of their children passing through the mediators' event of parenting cocky-efficacy and parents' regulatory emotion self-efficacy. These findings suggested that what could have a positive effect on children's well-being and positive emotional regulation was not but being exposed to low level of parents' psychological stress, just it was the fact that parents felt able to manage and deport out their parental office and the related tasks. Our results advise that self-confident parents tin can successfully activate many personal resources that in turn seem to preclude their children's emotional dysregulation, even in emergency situations such every bit the pandemic that increased their levels of psychological distress.

Furthermore, three multigroup analyses were performed to examination the possible moderation effects of children's biological sex activity and age and of geographical area (i.e., living or not living in Northern Italy, which is the most at-risk area for the spread of the pandemic and for the risk of contamination). The multigroup analyses showed that the hypothesized model was robust and invariant across children'south biological sex, and age, and living (or not living) in Northern Italy. Thus, in line with Spinelli et al. (2020), parents' and children's psychological distress was not affected by living in the loftier at-risk zone for COVID-19 (vs. not living in the loftier at-gamble zone). We can speculate that, regardless of living in a more risky area, relationships among variables remained stable because this unprecedented situation characterized past the isolation and quarantine measures was perceived in the same manner throughout Italia. Alternatively, it is also possible that our study did non have enough power to find differences in parameters between groups.

Parents should exist supported to improve their strengths and to experience able to manage their parental role and their emotions. During the quarantine, parents were the unique reference point for their children aged between 6 and 13 years who rely much on their parents in this life stage. It is important that parents know that they can protect their children, preventing their emotional dysregulation, using their strengths and self-confidence, even if they are experiencing fear and severe stress for the health emergency. Moreover, fifty-fifty if parents are exposed to loftier levels of stress, they can withal promote a positive emotional functioning in their children if they feel able to reassure their children well-nigh the health emergency, to organize their children's daily life during the quarantine, and to explain them what is happening.

Despite these important findings, this study had some limitations. We collected a convenience sample that was not representative of the Italian population. Moreover, emotion regulation and lability/negativity of children were reported past parents and this could be less informative. However, many other scholars accept used this type of information collection which is very mutual in this kind of studies (e.g., Trumello et al., 2018; Spinelli et al., 2020). Moreover, our information are correlational and it is also believable that parental distress and self-efficacy could be afflicted by children's lack of emotion regulation and lability/negativity. Furthermore, we assessed the parent'due south ain judgment of their children's well-beingness and it is possible that parents who feel (according to themselves) a lot of distress also tend to judge their children's well-being more negatively irrespective of the children's actual well-being. Finally, it is not possible to infer causal relationships amidst variables because of the correlational nature of information. Time to come longitudinal study can be conducted in order to securely exam the possible long-term effects of parents' psychological distress related to the wellness emergency on their children's psychological well-being and the possible opposite causation effect.

However, despite these limitations, the present written report presents many implications for prevention and intervention programs. In gild to prevent children's distress, intervention programs should starting time from family and parents. This programs should be aimed at increasing parents' regulatory emotional cocky-efficacy and parenting self-efficacy, by activating their adaptive strategies and resources to bargain with daily tasks and reinforcing their strengths. These parents' skills could be taught and learned, representing an important resource fifty-fifty in emergency situations such equally a pandemic, in which parents remain the merely points of reference and didactics for their children. These prevention programs should exist primarily addressed at (but non limited to) parents who are health workers, who lived solitary with children during the quarantine, who have sick relatives, and who have a low SES and a worsened work situation, in club to prevent the impact of their psychological distress on their children, reinforcing their belief to be able to face this hard situation and to manage both their parents tasks and their unavoidable negative emotions.

These findings propose how clinicians should give psychological support to parents remotely during a lockdown, reinforcing their personal strengths and working on effective parenting and regulatory efficacy strategies. Indeed, parents with beliefs of self-efficacy in parenting behaviors and emotional regulation accept children more emotionally regulated and psychologically healthy.

Likewise, the present results tin can exist used to implement psychological and educational intervention for parents in order to prevent their children's psychological distress. These results tin can also give pediatricians and psychologists of import indications on how to specifically support families during the quarantine due to a global pandemic, providing advice to parents who in this period plough to pediatricians or psychologists to understand what to exercise to improve the well-beingness of their children. Telling parents that, fifty-fifty if they experience negative emotions, they can do a lot to help their children could empower parents, activating their skills and strategies. Intervention programs should exist aimed to explain parents how to communicate to their children what is happening in the earth around them. Using the right words is more probable when parents accept high levels of parental self-efficacy and emotional regulation cocky-efficacy (Jones and Prinz, 2005), and this could exist very useful for parents' and children's well-being. Talking nigh the fearfulness and the negative emotions related to the pandemic and the isolation would stand for an of import protective cistron for families' well-existence. If parents understand which is the right way to communicate about the pandemic with their children, they can probably feel more self-confident in managing their parental tasks and their children'south emotion, and this aspect tin have in plow positive furnishings on their children's positive adjustment.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made bachelor by the authors, without undue reservation.

Ethics Argument

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome. Written informed consent was not provided because information were collected via an online survey and participants were recruited via a snowball sampling. Thus, participants gave their informed consent by clicking "Yes, I have to participate to this study" on the kickoff folio of the online survey.

Author Contributions

MM, Air-conditioning, EC, and RB conceptualized the written report and organized the data drove. MM, Air-conditioning, EC, RB, CT, AB, and CC collected the data. AC and MM run the analyses and wrote the methodological and results section. MM wrote the start draft of the manuscript. EC, CT, AB, and CC contributed to revision of the final version of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and canonical the submitted version.

Disharmonize of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absenteeism of any commercial or fiscal relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.584645/full

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